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Creation of digital Avatars



Application period

2024-06-01 - 2024-08-31

Dyno Robotics strives to create robots and AI solutions that make people's lives better. We are based in Linköping, Sweden, and we have our roots at Linköping University. Having spent many years at the robotics labs inventing things, we saw that there were many great technologies that were slow to reach the market. Therefore, we founded Dyno Robotics in 2018. At our core, Dyno Robotics consists of people who love turning complex technology into valuable solutions and engaging experiences.


Loneliness is an urgent and growing issue that has developed significantly in recent years. As modern life becomes increasingly digital and people face more isolated lifestyles, the need for innovative solutions to address loneliness has become more pressing. The effects of loneliness on mental and physical health are profound, driving a critical demand for technologies that can offer companionship and emotional support.


This challenge revolves around the idea of using advanced technology to create digital avatars of individuals that can interact with the living through recorded voice samples and personality profiles. This project examines the technical, ethical, and legal issues related to creating an "immortal" digital presence. Participants will explore how to design these avatars to authentically represent and communicate the essence of the individuals they are modeled after, addressing the complexities and implications of such innovations.

Logotype Dyno Robotics